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00001 /*
00002  *      HT Editor
00003  *
00004  *
00005  *      Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Stefan Weyergraf (
00006  *
00007  *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00008  *      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
00009  *      published by the Free Software Foundation.
00010  *
00011  *      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012  *      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014  *      GNU General Public License for more details.
00015  *
00016  *      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017  *      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018  *      Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00019  */
00021 #include <errno.h>
00022 #include <string.h>
00023 #include <stdlib.h>
00025 #include "htstring.h"
00026 #include "snprintf.h"
00027 #include "vfsview.h"
00029 static vfs_extra *make_vfs_extra(const char *name, pstat_t s)
00030 {
00031         vfs_extra *e = (vfs_extra*)malloc(sizeof *e);
00032         e->stat = s;
00033         e->name = strdup(name);
00034         return e;
00035 }
00037 static void free_vfs_extra(vfs_extra *e)
00038 {
00039         free(e->name);
00040         free(e);
00041 }
00043 static Vfs *vfslistbox_vfs;
00045 static int vfslistbox_fncmp(const char *a, const char *b)
00046 {
00047         if (strchr("/ *@=#+", *a) && (*b != *a)) {
00048                 if (*a == '/') return -1;
00049                 if (*b == '/') return 1;
00050                 return *b-*a;
00051         }
00052         return vfslistbox_vfs->compareFilenames(a,b);
00053 }
00055 /*
00056  *      class VfsListbox
00057  */
00059 #define VFSV_FORMAT_NAME        0
00060 #define VFSV_FORMAT_SIZE        1
00061 #define VFSV_FORMAT_BSIZE       2
00062 #define VFSV_FORMAT_TYPE        3
00063 #define VFSV_FORMAT_MTIME       4
00064 #define VFSV_FORMAT_ATIME       5
00065 #define VFSV_FORMAT_CTIME       6
00066 #define VFSV_FORMAT_PERM        7
00067 #define VFSV_FORMAT_MODE        8
00068 #define VFSV_FORMAT_NLINK       9
00069 #define VFSV_FORMAT_NGID        10
00070 #define VFSV_FORMAT_NUID        11
00071 #define VFSV_FORMAT_OWNER       12
00072 #define VFSV_FORMAT_GROUP       13
00073 #define VFSV_FORMAT_INODE       14
00074 #define VFSV_FORMAT_SPACE       15
00075 #define VFSV_FORMAT_MARK        16
00076 #define VFSV_FORMAT_SEPARATOR   17
00077 #define VFSV_FORMAT_DESC        18
00078 #define VFSV_FORMAT_RMTIME      19
00079 #define VFSV_FORMAT_RATIME      20
00080 #define VFSV_FORMAT_RCTIME      21
00082 static char *format_property[VFSV_FORMAT_PROPERTIES]={
00083         "name",         "size",
00084         "bsize",        "type",
00085         "mtime",        "atime",
00086         "ctime",        "perm",
00087         "mode",         "nlink",
00088         "ngid",         "nuid",
00089         "owner",        "group",
00090         "inode",        "space",
00091         "mark",         "|",
00092         "desc",         "rmtime",
00093         "ratime",       "rctime"
00094 };
00097 #define MAKE_DISPLAY_FORMAT_MIN_WIDTH(type, width) (((width) << 16) | (type))
00098 #define MAKE_DISPLAY_FORMAT_FIXED_WIDTH(type, width) ((((width) | 0x8000) << 16) | (type))
00100 #define GET_DISPLAY_FORMAT_TYPE(dfmt) ((dfmt) & 0xffff)
00101 #define GET_DISPLAY_FORMAT_SIZE(dfmt) (((dfmt)>>16) & 0x7fff)
00102 #define GET_DISPLAY_FORMAT_IS_FIXED_SIZE(dfmt) ((dfmt) & 0x80000000)
00105 void VfsListbox::init(bounds *b, ht_list *vl, ht_text *sp)
00106 {
00107         cvfs = NULL;
00108         show_pos = sp;
00109         ht_itext_listbox::init(b);
00110         vfs_list = vl;
00111         cdir[0] = 0;
00112         cproto[0] = 0;
00113         config_changed();
00114 }
00116 void VfsListbox::done()
00117 {
00118         ht_itext_listbox::done();
00119 }
00121 int VfsListbox::changeDir(const char *dir)
00122 {
00123         char url[VFS_URL_MAX];
00124         ht_snprintf(url, sizeof url, "%s:%s", cproto, dir);
00125         return changeURL(url);
00126 }
00128 int VfsListbox::changeURL(const char *url)
00129 {
00130         int c = vfs_list->count();
00131         const char *pend = strchr(url, ':');
00132         Vfs *newVfs = NULL;
00133         const char *pathptr = url;
00134         if (pend) {
00135                 /* find matching protocol */
00136                 char protoname[VFS_PROTO_MAX+1];
00137                 if (pend-url > VFS_PROTO_MAX) return EINVAL;
00138                 strncpy(protoname, url, pend-url);
00139                 protoname[pend-url] = 0;
00140                 for (int i=0; i<c; i++) {
00141                         Vfs *v = (Vfs*)vfs_list->get(i);
00142                         if (strcmp(protoname, v->getProtoName()) == 0) {
00143                                 newVfs = v;
00144                                 break;
00145                         }
00146                 }
00147                 if (!newVfs) return EINVAL;
00148                 pathptr = pend+1;
00149         } else {
00150                 /* no proto mentioned, default to first in list */
00151                 if (!c) return EINVAL;
00152                 newVfs = (Vfs*)vfs_list->get(0);
00153         }
00154         char path[VFS_DIR_MAX+1];
00155         if (sys_common_canonicalize(path, pathptr, NULL, newVfs->isPathDelim()) !=0) return EINVAL;
00157         /* add trailing path delimiter if needed */
00158         int l = strlen(path)-1;
00159         if ((l==-1) || !newVfs->isPathDelim()(path[l])) {
00160                 char delim = newVfs->isPathDelim()('/') ? '/' : '\\';
00161                 if (l+2 >= (int)sizeof path) return EINVAL;
00162                 path[l+1] = delim;
00163                 path[l+2] = 0;
00164         }
00166         /* stat and find out if its a dir*/
00167         pstat_t s;
00168         int e;
00169         if ((e = newVfs->pstat(&s, path)) != 0) return e;
00170         if (!(s.caps & pstat_mode_type) || !(HT_S_ISDIR(s.mode))) return ENOTDIR;
00172         /* code to position cursor when doing "cd .." */
00173         char spath[VFS_DIR_MAX+1];
00174         char spath2[VFS_DIR_MAX+1];
00175         strcpy(spath, cdir);
00176         char *p = strend(spath)-2;
00177         bool cdpp = false;
00178         while (p >= spath) {
00179                 if (newVfs->isPathDelim()(*p)) {
00180                         strcpy(spath2, p+1);
00181                         *(strend(spath2)-1) = 0;
00182                         *(p+1) = 0;
00183                         if (newVfs->compareFilenames(path, spath) == 0) {
00184                                 cdpp = true;
00185                         }
00186                         break;
00187                 }
00188                 p--;
00189         }
00191         /* everything ok, set current to this */
00192         strncpy(cproto, newVfs->getProtoName(), sizeof cproto-1);
00193         strncpy(cdir, path, sizeof cdir-1);
00194         cvfs = newVfs;
00196         reread();
00198         update();
00199         if (dfmt_quickfind != -1) {
00200                 ht_text_listbox_sort_order so[1];
00201                 vfslistbox_vfs = cvfs;
00202                 so[0].col = dfmt_quickfind;
00203                 so[0].compare_func = vfslistbox_fncmp;
00204                 sort(1, so);
00205         } /*else update();*/
00207         gotoItemByPosition(0);
00208         /* code to position cursor when doing "cd .." (part II) */
00209         if (cdpp) {
00210                 ht_text_listbox_item *i = (ht_text_listbox_item*)getFirst();
00211                 while (i) {
00212                         vfs_extra *x = (vfs_extra*)i->extra_data;
00213                         if (newVfs->compareFilenames(x->name, spath2) == 0) {
00214                                 gotoItemByEntry(i);
00215                                 break;
00216                         }
00217                         i = (ht_text_listbox_item*)getNext(i);
00218                 }
00219         }
00220         rearrangeColumns();
00222         return 0;
00223 }
00225 void VfsListbox::config_changed()
00226 {
00227         ht_text_listbox::config_changed();
00228         char *dfmt = get_config_string("misc/vfs display format");
00229         setDisplayFormat(dfmt ? dfmt : (char*)"name");
00230         if (dfmt) free(dfmt);
00231 }
00233 int VfsListbox::cursorAdjust()
00234 {
00235         return 1;
00236 }
00238 void VfsListbox::freeExtraData(void *extra_data)
00239 {
00240         if (extra_data) {
00241                 free_vfs_extra((vfs_extra*)extra_data);
00242         }
00243 }
00245 const char *VfsListbox::getCurDir()
00246 {
00247         return cdir;
00248 }
00250 const char *VfsListbox::getCurProto()
00251 {
00252         return cproto;
00253 }
00255 Vfs *VfsListbox::getCurVfs()
00256 {
00257         return cvfs;
00258 }
00260 void VfsListbox::handlemsg(htmsg *msg)
00261 {
00262         switch (msg->msg) {
00263                 case msg_keypressed:
00264                         switch (msg->data1.integer) {
00265                                 case K_Return: {
00266                                         if (count && selectEntry(e_cursor)) {
00267                                                 clearmsg(msg);
00268                                                 return;
00269                                         }
00270                                         break;
00271                                 }
00272                         }
00273                         break;
00274         }
00275         return ht_text_listbox::handlemsg(msg);
00276 }
00278 void VfsListbox::setDisplayFormat(char *fmt)
00279 {
00280 /*      int dfmt_cols;
00281         int dfmt_props;
00282         int dfmt_prop2colidx[VFSV_FORMAT_MAX_COLS];
00283         int dfmt_prop[VFSV_FORMAT_MAX_COLS];*/
00284         int type;
00285         dfmt_cols = 0;
00286         dfmt_props = 0;
00287         dfmt_quickfind = -1;
00288         while ((fmt = translateProp(fmt, &type))) {
00289                 if (type == VFSV_FORMAT_SEPARATOR) {
00290                         if (++dfmt_cols == VFSV_FORMAT_MAX_COLS) break;
00291                 } else {
00292                         if (*fmt == ':') {
00293                                 fmt++;
00294                                 unsigned int width = strtoul(fmt, &fmt, 10);
00295                                 if (*fmt == '+') {
00296                                         fmt++;
00297                                         dfmt_prop[dfmt_props] = MAKE_DISPLAY_FORMAT_MIN_WIDTH(type, width);
00298                                 } else {
00299                                         dfmt_prop[dfmt_props] = MAKE_DISPLAY_FORMAT_FIXED_WIDTH(type, width);
00300                                 }
00301                         } else {
00302                                 dfmt_prop[dfmt_props] = MAKE_DISPLAY_FORMAT(type);
00303                         }
00304                         dfmt_prop2colidx[dfmt_props] = dfmt_cols;
00305                         if (++dfmt_props == VFSV_FORMAT_MAX_COLS) break;
00306                 }
00308                 while ((*fmt == ',') || (*fmt == ' ')) fmt++;
00310                 if ((type == VFSV_FORMAT_NAME) && (dfmt_quickfind == -1)) {
00311                         dfmt_quickfind = dfmt_cols;
00312                 }
00313         }
00314         ++dfmt_cols;
00315         cols = dfmt_cols;
00316         if (dfmt_quickfind != -1) keycol = dfmt_quickfind;
00317                 else keycol = 0;
00318         rearrangeColumns();
00319 }
00321 bool VfsListbox::selectEntry(void *entry)
00322 {
00323         ht_text_listbox_item *i = (ht_text_listbox_item*)entry;
00324         if (i->extra_data) {
00325                 vfs_extra *e = (vfs_extra*)i->extra_data;
00326                 if (e->stat.caps & pstat_mode_type) {
00327                         if (HT_S_ISDIR(e->stat.mode)) {
00328                                 char d[VFS_DIR_MAX];
00329                                 ht_snprintf(d, sizeof d, "%s%s", cdir, e->name);
00330                                 changeDir(d);
00331                                 update();
00332                                 return true;
00333                         }
00334                 }
00335         }
00336         return false;
00337 }
00339 char *VfsListbox::translateProp(char *fmt, int *type)
00340 {
00341         for (int i=0; i<VFSV_FORMAT_PROPERTIES; i++) {
00342                 int l = strlen(format_property[i]);
00343                 if (strncmp(fmt, format_property[i], l)==0) {
00344                         *type = i;
00345                         return fmt+l;
00346                 }
00347         }
00348         return 0;
00349 }
00351 void VfsListbox::reread()
00352 {
00353 #define VFSV_FORMAT_MAX_LENGTH 256
00354         if (!cvfs) return;
00355         clearAll();
00356         char *strs[VFSV_FORMAT_MAX_COLS];
00357         for (int i=0; i<dfmt_cols; i++) {
00358                 strs[i] = (char*)malloc(VFSV_FORMAT_MAX_LENGTH);
00359         }
00360         pfind_t f;
00361         int k = 0;
00362         if (cvfs->findFirst(cdir, &f)) {
00363                 do {
00364                         if (strcmp(, ".") != 0) {
00365                                 for (int i=0; i<dfmt_cols; i++) {
00366                                         *(strs[i]) = 0;
00367                                 }
00368                                 for (int i=0; i<dfmt_props; i++) {
00369                                         int z = dfmt_prop2colidx[i];
00370                                         int l = strlen(strs[z]);
00371                                         renderEntry(strs[z]+l, VFSV_FORMAT_MAX_LENGTH-l, dfmt_prop[i],, f.stat);
00372                                 }
00373                                 insert_str_extra(k++, make_vfs_extra(, f.stat), strs);
00374                         }
00375                 } while (cvfs->findNext(&f));
00376         }
00377         cvfs->findClose(&f);
00378         for (int i=0; i<dfmt_cols; i++) {
00379                 free(strs[i]);
00380         }
00381 }
00383 void *VfsListbox::quickfind(char *s)
00384 {
00385         ht_text_listbox_item *item = (ht_text_listbox_item *)e_cursor;
00386         for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
00387                 int slen = strlen(s);
00388                 char *i = NULL;
00389                 if (item) {
00390                         i = item->data[keycol];
00391                         i = (i && *i) ? i+1 : i;
00392                 }
00393                 while (item && (compare_strn(i, s, slen)!=0)) {
00394                         item = item->next;
00395                         if (item) {
00396                                 i = item->data[keycol];
00397                                 i = (i && *i) ? i+1 : i;
00398                         }
00399                 }
00400                 if (item) return item;
00401                 item = first;
00402         }
00403         return NULL;
00404 }
00406 char *VfsListbox::quickfindCompletition(char *s)
00407 {
00408         ht_text_listbox_item *item = first;
00409         char *res = NULL;
00410         int slen = strlen(s);
00411         char *i = NULL;
00412         if (item) {
00413                 i = item->data[keycol];
00414                 i = (i && *i) ? i+1 : i;
00415         }
00416         while (item) {
00417                 if (compare_strn(i, s, slen)==0) {
00418                         if (!res) {
00419                                 res = ht_strdup(item->data[keycol]+1);
00420                         } else {
00421                                 int a = compare_ccomm(item->data[keycol]+1, res);
00422                                 res[a] = 0;
00423                         }
00424                 }
00425                 item = item->next;
00426                 if (item) {
00427                         i = item->data[keycol];
00428                         i = (i && *i) ? i+1 : i;
00429                 }
00430         }
00431         return res;
00432 }
00434 void VfsListbox::update()
00435 {
00436         if (show_pos) {
00437                 char curl[VFS_URL_MAX];
00438                 ht_snprintf(curl, sizeof curl, "%s:%s", cproto, cdir);
00439                 show_pos->settext(curl);
00440         }
00442         ht_text_listbox::update();
00443 }
00445 void VfsListbox::renderEntry(char *buf, int bufsize, int dfmt, const char *filename, pstat_t stat)
00446 {
00447         buf[0] = 0;
00448         int timei = 0;
00449         switch (GET_DISPLAY_FORMAT_TYPE(dfmt)) {
00450                 case VFSV_FORMAT_NAME: {
00451                         ht_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%s", filename);
00452                         break;
00453                 }
00454                 case VFSV_FORMAT_SIZE:
00455                         if (stat.caps & pstat_size) {
00456                                 ht_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%d", stat.size);
00457                         }
00458                         break;
00459                 case VFSV_FORMAT_BSIZE:
00460                         if (HT_S_ISDIR(stat.mode)) {
00461                                 if (strcmp(filename, "..")==0) {
00462                                         ht_snprintf(buf, bufsize,"<UP-DIR>", stat.size);
00463                                 } else {
00464                                         ht_snprintf(buf, bufsize,"<SUB-DIR>", stat.size);
00465                                 }
00466                         } else if (stat.caps & pstat_size) {
00467                                 ht_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%u", stat.size);
00468                         }
00469                         break;
00470                 case VFSV_FORMAT_TYPE:
00471                         if (bufsize>1) {
00472                                 if (stat.caps & pstat_mode_type) {
00473                                         if (HT_S_ISDIR(stat.mode)) {
00474                                                 buf[0] = '/';
00475                                         } else if (HT_S_ISBLK(stat.mode)) {
00476                                                 buf[0] = '+';
00477                                         } else if (HT_S_ISCHR(stat.mode)) {
00478                                                 buf[0] = '#';
00479                                         } else if (HT_S_ISFIFO(stat.mode)) {
00480                                                 buf[0] = '|';
00481                                         } else if (HT_S_ISLNK(stat.mode)) {
00482                                                 buf[0] = '@';
00483                                         } else if (HT_S_ISSOCK(stat.mode)) {
00484                                                 buf[0] = '=';
00485                                         } else if (stat.mode & HT_S_IXUSR) {
00486                                                 buf[0] = '*';
00487                                         } else {
00488                                                 buf[0] = ' ';
00489                                         }
00490                                         buf[1] = 0;
00491                                 }
00492                         }
00493                         break;
00494                 case VFSV_FORMAT_MTIME:timei++;
00495                 case VFSV_FORMAT_ATIME:timei++;
00496                 case VFSV_FORMAT_CTIME:timei++;
00497                 case VFSV_FORMAT_RMTIME:timei++;
00498                 case VFSV_FORMAT_RATIME:timei++;
00499                 case VFSV_FORMAT_RCTIME: {
00500                         time_t q;
00501                         bool avail = false;
00502                         bool reltime = false;
00504                         switch (timei) {
00505                                 case 2: reltime = true;
00506                                 case 5:
00507                                         if (stat.caps & pstat_mtime) {
00508                                                 q = stat.mtime;
00509                                                 avail = true;
00510                                         }
00511                                         break;
00512                                 case 1: reltime = true;
00513                                 case 4:
00514                                         if (stat.caps & pstat_atime) {
00515                                                 q = stat.atime;
00516                                                 avail = true;
00517                                         }
00518                                         break;
00519                                 case 0: reltime = true;
00520                                 case 3:
00521                                         if (stat.caps & pstat_ctime) {
00522                                                 q = stat.ctime;
00523                                                 avail = true;
00524                                         }
00525                                         break;
00526                         }
00527                         if (avail) {
00528                                 tm *pt = gmtime(&q);
00529                                 if (!pt) {
00530                                         q = 0;
00531                                         pt = gmtime(&q);
00532                                 }
00533                                 tm t = *pt;
00535                                 time_t ct;
00536                                 time(&ct);
00537                                 tm *pc = gmtime(&ct);
00538                                 if (!pc) {
00539                                         ct = 0;
00540                                         pc = gmtime(&ct);
00541                                 }
00542                                 tm c = *pc;
00543                                 char *line = buf;
00545                                 char *months[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
00546                                 if ((reltime) && ((UINT)ct-q<=60*60*24*28)) {
00547                                         if ((UINT)ct-q<=60*60*24) {
00548                                                 line += ht_snprintf(line, bufsize-(line-buf), "now ");
00549                                         } else if ((UINT)ct-q<=60*60*24*2) {
00550                                                 line += ht_snprintf(line, bufsize-(line-buf), "now ");
00551                                         } else {
00552                                                 line += ht_snprintf(line, bufsize-(line-buf), "%s-%uday", ((UINT)(ct-q)/(60*60*24)>10) ? "" : " ", (UINT)(ct-q)/(60*60*24));
00553                                         }
00554                                 } else {
00555                                         line += ht_snprintf(line, bufsize-(line-buf), "%s %02d", months[t.tm_mon], t.tm_mday);
00556                                 }
00557                                 if (t.tm_year==c.tm_year) {
00558                                         if ((reltime) && ((UINT)ct-q<=60*60*24)) {
00559                                                 if ((UINT)ct-q<=60*60) {
00560                                                         line += ht_snprintf(line, bufsize-(line-buf), "-%umin", (UINT)(ct-q)/60);
00561                                                 } else {
00562                                                         line += ht_snprintf(line, bufsize-(line-buf), "-%um:%u", (UINT)(ct-q)/60/60, (UINT)(ct-q)/60%60);
00563                                                 }
00564                                         } else {
00565                                                 line += ht_snprintf(line, bufsize-(line-buf), " %02d:%02d:%02d", t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec);
00566                                         }
00567                                 } else {
00568                                         line += ht_snprintf(line, bufsize-(line-buf), "  %04d", t.tm_year+1900);
00569                                         line += ht_snprintf(line, bufsize-(line-buf), " %02d:%02d:%02d", t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec);
00570                                 }
00571                         }
00572                         break;
00573                 }
00574                 case VFSV_FORMAT_PERM: {
00575                         if (bufsize>3) {
00576                                 char *line = buf;
00577                                 if (stat.caps & pstat_mode_type) {
00578                                         *(line++)=HT_S_ISDIR(stat.mode) ? 'd' : '-';
00579                                 }
00581                                 if (stat.caps & pstat_mode_oth) {
00582                                         *(line++)=(stat.mode & HT_S_IROTH) ? 'r' : '-';
00583                                         *(line++)=(stat.mode & HT_S_IWOTH) ? 'w' : '-';
00584                                         *(line++)=(stat.mode & HT_S_IXOTH) ? 'x' : '-';
00585                                 }
00587                                 if (stat.caps & pstat_mode_grp) {
00588                                         *(line++)=(stat.mode & HT_S_IRGRP) ? 'r' : '-';
00589                                         *(line++)=(stat.mode & HT_S_IWGRP) ? 'w' : '-';
00590                                         *(line++)=(stat.mode & HT_S_IXGRP) ? 'x' : '-';
00591                                 }
00593                                 if (stat.caps & pstat_mode_usr) {
00594                                         *(line++)=(stat.mode & HT_S_IRUSR) ? 'r' : '-';
00595                                         *(line++)=(stat.mode & HT_S_IWUSR) ? 'w' : '-';
00596                                         *(line++)=(stat.mode & HT_S_IXUSR) ? 'x' : '-';
00597                                 }
00598                                 *line = 0;
00599                         }
00600                         break;
00601                 }
00602                 case VFSV_FORMAT_MODE:
00603                         if (stat.caps & pstat_mode_all) {
00604                                 ht_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%o", stat.mode & ((1<<9)-1));
00605                         }
00606                         break;
00607                 case VFSV_FORMAT_NLINK:
00608                         break;
00609                 case VFSV_FORMAT_NGID:
00610                         if (stat.caps & pstat_gid) {
00611                                 ht_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%u", stat.gid);
00612                         }
00613                         break;
00614                 case VFSV_FORMAT_NUID:
00615                         if (stat.caps & pstat_uid) {
00616                                 ht_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%u", stat.uid);
00617                         }
00618                         break;
00619                 case VFSV_FORMAT_OWNER:
00620                         break;
00621                 case VFSV_FORMAT_GROUP:
00622                         break;
00623                 case VFSV_FORMAT_INODE:
00624                         if (stat.caps & pstat_inode) {
00625                                 ht_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%u", stat.inode);
00626                         }
00627                         break;
00628                 case VFSV_FORMAT_SPACE:
00629                         if (bufsize>1) {
00630                                 buf[0] = ' ';
00631                                 buf[1] = 0;
00632                         }
00633                         break;
00634                 case VFSV_FORMAT_MARK:
00635                         break;
00636                 case VFSV_FORMAT_DESC:
00637                         if (stat.caps & pstat_desc) {
00638 /*                              tag_strcpy(line, stat.desc);
00639                                 line+=tag_strlen(line);
00640                                 alignright=0;*/
00641                         }
00642                         break;
00643         }
00644 }
00646 /*
00647  *      class VfsListbox2
00648  */
00650 bool VfsListbox2::selectEntry(void *entry)
00651 {
00652         if (VfsListbox::selectEntry(entry)) return true;
00653         ht_text_listbox_item *i = (ht_text_listbox_item*)entry;
00654         if (i->extra_data) {
00655                 vfs_extra *e = (vfs_extra*)i->extra_data;
00656                 char path[VFS_URL_MAX];
00657                 ht_snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s%s", cdir, e->name);
00658                 cvfs->open(path, 1);
00659                 return true;
00660         }
00661         return false;
00662 }

Generated on Fri May 7 21:15:45 2004 by doxygen 1.3.5