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00001 /*
00002  *      HT Editor
00003  *      class.h
00004  *
00005  *      Copyright (C) 2001 Stanley Gambarin <>
00006  *
00007  *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00008  *      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
00009  *      published by the Free Software Foundation.
00010  *
00011  *      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012  *      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014  *      GNU General Public License for more details.
00015  *
00016  *      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017  *      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018  *      Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00019  */
00021 #ifndef _CLASS_H
00022 #define _CLASS_H
00024 #include "htformat.h"
00025 #include "stddata.h"
00027 typedef unsigned char  u1;
00028 typedef unsigned int   u2;
00029 typedef unsigned long  u4;
00031 /* flags */
00032 static const u2 jACC_PUBLIC                 = 0x0001;
00033 static const u2 jACC_PRIVATE                = 0x0002;
00034 static const u2 jACC_PROTECTED              = 0x0004;
00035 static const u2 jACC_STATIC                 = 0x0008;
00036 static const u2 jACC_FINAL                  = 0x0010;
00037 static const u2 jACC_SUPER                  = 0x0020;
00038 static const u2 jACC_SYNCHRONIZED           = 0x0020;
00039 static const u2 jACC_VOLATILE               = 0x0040;
00040 static const u2 jACC_TRANSIENT              = 0x0080;
00041 static const u2 jACC_NATIVE                 = 0x0100;
00042 static const u2 jACC_INTERFACE              = 0x0200;
00043 static const u2 jACC_ABSTRACT               = 0x0400;
00044 static const u2 jACC_STRICT                 = 0x0800;
00045 static const u2 jACC_JNM                    = 0x4000;
00047 /* constant pool tags */
00048 static const u1 CONSTANT_Utf8               =  1;
00049 static const u1 CONSTANT_Integer            =  3;
00050 static const u1 CONSTANT_Float              =  4;
00051 static const u1 CONSTANT_Long               =  5;
00052 static const u1 CONSTANT_Double             =  6;
00053 static const u1 CONSTANT_Class              =  7;
00054 static const u1 CONSTANT_String             =  8;
00055 static const u1 CONSTANT_Fieldref           =  9;
00056 static const u1 CONSTANT_Methodref          = 10;
00057 static const u1 CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11;
00058 static const u1 CONSTANT_NameAndType        = 12;
00060 typedef struct _cp_info {
00061   u4 offset;
00062   u1 tag;
00063   union {
00064     char   *string;
00065     double dval;
00066     float  fval;
00067     long   lval;
00068     int    ival;
00069     long   llval[2];
00070   } value;
00071 } cp_info;
00073 static const u2 ATTRIB_ConstantValue      =  1;
00074 static const u2 ATTRIB_Code               =  2;
00075 static const u2 ATTRIB_Exceptions         =  3;
00076 static const u2 ATTRIB_InnerClasses       =  4;
00077 static const u2 ATTRIB_Synthetic          =  5;
00078 static const u2 ATTRIB_SourceFile         =  6;
00079 static const u2 ATTRIB_LineNumberTable    =  7;
00080 static const u2 ATTRIB_LocalVariableTable =  8;
00081 static const u2 ATTRIB_Deprecated         =  9;
00083 typedef struct _attrib_info {
00084         u4 offset;
00085         u2 tag;
00086         u2 name;
00087         u4 len;
00088         union {
00089                 struct {
00090                         u2 max_stack;
00091                         u2 max_locals;
00092                         u4 len;
00093                         u4 start;
00094                 } code;
00095         };
00096 } attrib_info;
00098 /* mf_info */
00099 typedef struct _mf_info {
00100   u4 offset;
00101   u2 flags;
00102   char *name;
00103   char *desc;
00104   u2 attribs_count;
00105   attrib_info **attribs;
00106 } mf_info;
00108 /* classfile */
00109 typedef struct _classfile {
00110   u4 offset;
00111   u4 magic;
00112   u2 minor_version;
00113   u2 major_version;
00114   u2 cpool_count;
00115   cp_info **cpool;
00116   u4 coffset;
00117   u2 access_flags;
00118   u2 this_class;
00119   u2 super_class;
00120   u2 interfaces_count;
00121   u2 *interfaces;
00122   u4 foffset;
00123   u2 fields_count;
00124   mf_info **fields;
00125   u4 moffset;
00126   u2 methods_count;
00127   mf_info **methods;
00128   u4 aoffset;
00129   u2 attribs_count;
00130   attrib_info **attribs;
00131 } classfile;
00133 struct ht_class_shared_data {
00134         ht_stree        *methods;
00135         classfile       *file;
00136         Area *valid;
00137         Area *initialized;
00138         int flags;
00139         struct {
00140                 char *thisclass;
00141                 char *superclass;
00142                 ht_list *interfaces;
00143         } classinfo;
00144 };
00146 extern ht_class_shared_data *class_read(ht_streamfile *);
00147 extern void class_unread(ht_class_shared_data *);
00148 extern attrib_info *attribute_read(ht_stream *, classfile *);
00150 int token_translate(char *buf, int maxlen, dword token, ht_class_shared_data *shared);
00151 void java_demangle(char *result, char *classname, char *name, char *type, int flags);
00152 char *java_demangle_flags(char *result, int flags);
00154 class cview : public ht_format_group {
00155 public:
00156   void init(bounds *, ht_streamfile *, format_viewer_if **,
00157                   ht_format_group *, FILEOFS, void *shared);
00158   virtual void done();
00159 };
00161 #define ClassAddress dword
00163 class ClassMethod: public Object {
00164 public:
00165         char *name;
00166         char *type;
00167         ClassAddress start;
00168         UINT length;
00169         int flags;
00170                                 ClassMethod(char *name, char *type, ClassAddress start, UINT length, int flags);
00171         virtual         ~ClassMethod();
00172         virtual int     compareTo(const Object *obj) const;
00173 };
00176 #define DESC_JAVA                       "java - class file"
00177 #define DESC_JAVA_HEADERS       "java/headers"
00178 #define DESC_JAVA_IMAGE         "java/image"
00180 extern format_viewer_if htcls_if;
00182 #endif /* _CLASS_H */

Generated on Fri May 7 21:15:29 2004 by doxygen 1.3.5